Tamupokelerani! Takulandilani! Welcome to the MEIRU data portal!


This is a web application used to provide information and metadata about MEIRU and MEIRU studies to current and potential collaborators

MEIRU has undertaken, and continues to undertake, many studies involving data collection in Karonga district and Area 25 in Lilongwe: further information can be found at https://www.meiru.info

MEIRU data is collected longitudinally, which individual linkage available through all studies, meaning that there is great potential for useful secondary analyses and also for new primary analyses using existing data as a platform or sampling frame.

On this portal you will find documentation of the majority of past and current MEIRU studies. Current and potential collaborators are encouraged to browse our catalogue. Data are not currently available through this platform: queries regarding access to data or future collaborations should be sent to info@meiru.mw in the first instance.

The following is a quick guide to the repository.

Registration and Login tab

This tab guides a new user on how to create an account within the repository and editing their profile, how to change their password and what to do when they forget their password.

MEIRU Data Processing tab

This tab provides overviews of the data processing that is done for data collected using paper forms, using electronic a collection in face to face interviews and remote data collection using phones

Microdata Catalog tab

This is the main part of the repository. All the study information and metadata in this repository are accessed through this section. Studies can be accessed by navigating through one long list or by using the "Collections" tab. Under Collections, available studies are organized into groups depending on location of the studies, whether they are combined datasets or other logical grouping. A search facility is available at both study level and at variable level to help in quickly locating the relevant data. Supporting documents such as questionnaires are added to the catalogue to provide more contextual information relating to the studies.